First visit
A little more information about what you can expect for your first visit.PLEASE READ COVID UPDATE BEFORE BOOKING
During your first initial appointment, you will be asked some important questions regarding your medical history and lifestyle. This information will be used to help to determine an accurate diagnosis of the problem at hand. We would then ask to have a look at the affected area and may carry out some tests to help us to investigate the problem and form a diagnosis. The diagnosis will be discussed with you and you will be asked for consent before we treatment is commenced. Osteopathic treatment involves a wide range of manual techniques, including physical manipulation, soft and deep tissue massage, stretching and exercise rehabilitation in order to help the body in its healing process.
Following treatment you may experience some mild soreness in the area that was treated, this will normally will reduce within 48 hours. If you experience serious or unusual symptoms after treatment you should contact us straight away for advice. You will be given a prognosis and rough guide of how many sessions will be required to fully resolve the issue to its maximum capability.
The initial consultation is approximately 45 minutes but can vary from person to person depending on the complications of your medical history.
Follow up treatments are approximately 30 minutes duration.
Many patients return for ‘maintenance’ treatments which are highly recommended by most Osteopaths to prevent further relapses going forwards.
Additional aids for sale – please enquire for more information regarding these items:
Orthopaedic pillows
Muscular pain relieving gel
Joint support straps
Ice packs